We have 14 client-facing advisory teams who provide legal advice on the development, design and implementation of government policies and decisions, draft secondary legislation and work with Parliamentary Counsel on primary legislation. Our cross-cutting expert service groups for Litigation, Employment and Commercial Law provide specialist legal services to a wide range of government departments and public bodies. Have a look below at some of our recent work
Legislation to Launch
We are proud that we have recently opened the door to the very first commercial space launch on UK soil which meant intricate, sophisticated and far-reaching legal work. We put into place the legislative framework that made possible the launching of small rocket propelled satellites from the UK, and with it potentially towering scientific, technological and economic benefits. Our work creates a lasting, positive impact all across the UK and – with the Space Industry Act 2018 – beyond.
Inclusivity at Heart
When it comes to landmark legislation, few organisations can match the Government Legal Department. Our work touches almost every subject affecting the lives of UK citizens. It’s always serious. Often, it’s game-changing – like our work on mandatory gender pay gap reporting. This was a momentous leap ahead in equality legislation. The introduction of compulsory reporting was a groundbreaking step which encourages employers to take action to break down barriers to women’s recruitment and progression – and it doesn’t stop there. The legislation has garnered interest from all over the world, and has even opened up conversations on other pay gaps, such as with ethnicity and disability.
Opening Opportunities
Making a huge impact on just about every aspect of UK life, our work is often challenging. And it’s always meaningful. Like the unique legal arrangement between the government and local authorities that helped more vulnerable children to get places in Secure Children’s Homes. These homes play a powerful role. They’re specialist alternatives to young offenders’ institutes. They care for and educate children given custodial sentences who are suffering from mental health and wellbeing issues. Ultimately they give these children real second chances in life.